Labor Inspection, Arbitration, and Litigation Measures

In labor inspection, employers are obliged to fully cooperate with and truthfully provide up-to-date information for the authorities. Any violation will be subjected to corresponding punishment by law.

Puran helps employers sort out labor and employment procedures, acquaints HR personnel with labor and employment related laws via training, guides clients through government protocols, equips clients with a deeper understanding of the legal basis of administrative penalties, and helps clients cooperate with authorities to properly present labor conditions. 

Labor disputes widely exist. It is very common for employers to have conflicts with employees. The best solution to handle the disputes is internal negotiation. 

Puran is highly professional in handling labor disputes. On one hand, Puran provides clients with negotiation strategies and solutions to end the disputes before further escalations. On the other hand, Puran represents clients in labor arbitration or litigation to defend and maximize the interests of clients.